
Posts Tagged ‘Technology’

McAfee: Brad Pitt fan sites may be bad for your computer

September 17, 2008 Leave a comment

The consequences of celebrity craze …


“According to McAfee, when searching for “Brad Pitt,” “Brad Pitt downloads,” or Brad Pitt wallpaper, screen savers, and pictures, Internet users experience an 18 percent chance of stumbling upon sites containing malicious code. This includes drive-by malware that can infect your PC without asking you to download anything. Such social engineering, once reserved for e-mail, is now being used to populate search results with fake sites for these personalities”




McAfee: Brad Pitt fan sites may be bad for your computer

Hadroon collidor hacked

September 13, 2008 Leave a comment

As is, we don’t know exactly what the consequences of such large and expensive experiment is.  It seems like it was not secured enough for hackers to hack into the system…

If the controller is hacked just after few days of its launch, how much trust can we put on the result of the study? how will we know data was never compromised? … 


Hackers break into Large Hadron Collider computer

Kindle for college students— awesome

August 24, 2008 Leave a comment

University of Phoenix provided great learning experience.  I never thought I could handle learning online, but I was able to discipline myself and learn.  It turned out to be more work than my previous traditional brick and mortar school. 


As online student at University of Phoenix, there was one I think I didn’t like: the e-books.  There was nothing wrong with e-books, but every time I am away, I had to logon to the server and verify my user name and Id.  I had to print the pages I want.  I wondered what happens once I finish school and wanted the material for reference.  I am not sure how long my information is stored on the server.  What about when I am away somewhere, and I don’t have Internet connection? I can’t access it because it had to do some verification


I could have bought the book, but we had to pay for material already which included the chapters of the books for that class and other resources you need.  So why pay moe?

Now I read Amazon is working on introducing the Kindle for college students.  I can already see the business deal with Amazon and University of Phoenix online.  I can think of some great benefit from such a deal for both Amazon and U of P. 

  • Problems dealing with e-books like having to log onto a server for verification in order to study can be eliminated.  That is annoying.  I still am able to log on to the server and verify; however, in few months I doubt it will be there.
  • A deal with publishers (which U of P probably has), would allow them to have the chapters necessary for the class be available for discount price.  Trust me, some classes, you don’t need the whole book, and if they need the whole book, then you will have to pay some extra money; I think it would be cheaper.
  • Amazon will have a lifelong customer.  The Kindle will always be there once the students graduate to upload other material and study.  If once decide to continue their education, they can download the electronic version of the book if it is available.  When you are a student, any money you can save is great.

Over all, text books are expensive.  Try selling those you don’t want, you get almost nothing what you paid for.  I think it is magnificent that Amazon decided to come up with one for college students.